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A cheap hair transplant with an unlimited number of grafts sounds interesting. But if you care about your appearance, think again.

Unlimited number of grafts!

Your donor hair is not unlimited. An average person has approximately 10000 grafts in the safe donor area. A maximum of 5000 of these can be transplanted without visible hair loss in your donor area. This is because hair loss is not visible to the eye until you have lost more than 50% of your hair in that area.

Your hair is transplanted during a FUE hair transplant. This involves moving the hairs from one area to another area. The hair that is moved then grows in the new area for life. Unfortunately, the myths about an unlimited number of grafts from your donor area are not true.

If you have now used up all your precious grafts, you will unfortunately have no more grafts left for your future hair loss. This means that you will always have an area covered with hair and an area that is uncovered due to your donor area being plucked out.

Your future hair loss should also be taken into account when choosing the right density. Unfortunately, we often see cases that come in for restorative treatment where the density has not been chosen correctly. This means you will have a lot of hair in one area and only a few thin hairs in the other.

Gross scars and irreparable donor area

You can imagine why a FUE hair transplant leaves virtually no scars. This is because very small hollow drills are used with which we move your grafts. We take into account that there should still be areas of hair left around the hair that is being removed. If too many grafts are harvested in one treatment, the small holes that are drilled will connect with each other. The small wounds then unfortunately become a larger wound. This leaves your donor area with gross, irreparable scars. And this is the very last thing you want, right?

Quality care takes time

You can also imagine that the more grafts are transplanted, the longer the treatment should last. However, this is unfortunately not always the case. Then ask yourself the following; What could cause this?

If too many grafts need to be transplanted in one treatment, this will take time. More time than what is available in a day treatment. This means that harvesting is done in a hurry and multiple grafts are removed at the same time per extraction. This can permanently damage your precious grafts. Also, if the number of grafts is too high, there is not enough time in one day treatment to check each graft for quality, thickness, number of hairs and color. This may result in thick multi-haired grafts being placed in your hairline. Or hair that is permanently damaged by hasty work. You may have received a high number of grafts. But then you wonder how many of these will actually grow into hair.

Quality over quantity

Do you want honest advice without fancy myths and disguises? Then choose FueGenix Hair Clinic. We at FueGenix Hair Clinic treat every graft as the most precious asset there is. We extract each graft separately and check each graft with a microscope. This means we can only transplant a maximum number of grafts on one treatment day. Would you like to know how many this could be for you? Please contact us free of charge and without obligation via the contact form. We are ready to help you.

We see it this way. Your donor area and your grafts are the most valuable asset you have. You lend this to us. We will give you something nice in return, without damaging your valuables.


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