the world's No. 2 hair growth agent: Minoxidil.
Find out all about it:
30 Frequently Asked Questions About Minoxidil
1. What is Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is 1 of the 2 most used ingredients for hair growth.
It has been approved by the FDA and was first used as an oral drug to lower blood pressure.
It was quickly found to stimulate hair growth in those who used it to lower blood pressure. Clinical studies have confirmed this 'side effect'.
2. How does Minoxidil work?
Minoxidil stimulates hair growth in people with male and female pattern baldness (also hereditary hair loss or androgenic alopecia).
However, the mechanism of action is unknown.
We know it doesn't affect the DHTlevels, and that's how Finasteride works.
Most people think that Minoxidil works in part by partially enlarging hair follicles and reversing the miniaturization process.
Enlarging the shrunken follicles extends the growth phase of the hair cycle, making hair longer and thicker looking. And with more follicles in the growth phase at the same time, it is possible to see better scalp coverage.
3. Who can use Minoxidil?
Minoxidil may be right for you if you are at least 18 years old and have gradually thinning hair.
It works best for those with vertex/crown hair loss. Minoxidil also works great for people with diffuse hair loss or frontal hair loss, especially when the minoxidil product is enriched with DHT blockers such as Finasteride and azelaic acid.
4. Who should NOT use Minoxidil?
People with a history of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the Minoxidil preparation should not use it.
People with heart problems should not use it.
People who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not do it.
Minoxidil will not prevent or improve hair loss resulting from the use of certain prescription and non-prescription medications, certain serious nutritional problems (very low body iron; excessive vitamin A intake), low thyroid status (hypothyroidism), chemotherapy, or diseases that scar the hair. scalp.
Also, Minoxidil will not improve hair loss resulting from damage from using hair care products that cause scarring or deep burns on the scalp.
Hair care methods such as cornrowing or ponytails that require the hair to be pulled tightly away from the scalp.
If you are unsure about the cause of your hair loss, consult your doctor.
5. How quickly can I expect results from using Minoxidil?
Since normal hair usually only grows 1 to 3 cm per month, hair growth with Minoxidil also takes time.
In general, new hair growth is slow for a Minoxidil user.
Continuous use 2 times a day for at least 4 months is usually necessary before you notice hair regrowth.
If you do not see hair growth within 12 months, stop using Minoxidil and consult your doctor.
When you first use Minoxidil, your hair loss can last up to four weeks.
This hair loss is temporary.
If you continue to lose hair after four weeks, consult your doctor.
6. How long should I use Minoxidil?
If you have a reaction to Minoxidil, you should use it 2 times a day to maintain and continue hair regrowth.
It may take up to 12 months of use to see your best results from Minoxidil.
8. What should I do if I miss a dose or forget to use Minoxidil?
If you miss one or two daily doses of Minoxidil, simply continue with your next dose.
You should not make up for missed doses.
9. Can I use Minoxidil more than twice a day? Will it work faster, better?
No. Minoxidil will not work faster or better if used more than twice a day.
Careful studies have been conducted to determine the correct amount of Minoxidil needed to get the best results.
More frequent use or larger doses have not been shown to accelerate hair growth and may increase the risk of side effects.
10. What are the most common side effects of Minoxidil?
The most common side effects are itching and other skin irritations of the treated area of the scalp.
Minoxidil contains alcohol, which may cause burning or irritation of the eyes or sensitive skin areas.
If Minoxidil accidentally gets into these areas, rinse with large amounts of cold tap water.
Contact your doctor if irritation persists.
11. Which shampoo should I use with Minoxidil?
If you wash your scalp before applying Minoxidil, use a mild shampoo.
It is best to use a mild ketoconazole shampoo, such as Lipogaine shampoo.
13. Can I have my hair colored or permed or use hair relaxants while using Minoxidil?
We have no information that these treatments change the effect of Minoxidil.
To avoid possible scalp irritation, make sure all Minoxidil has been washed from the hair and scalp before using these chemicals.
14. Can I apply Minoxidil and wash my hair an hour later?
No. For Minoxidil to work optimally, you should leave it on the scalp for about 3 hours before washing.
15. Can I go swimming or outside in the rain?
Yes. Do not wash off the Minoxidil.
If possible, apply Minoxidil to a dry scalp after swimming, or wait approximately 3 hours after application before swimming.
Do not let your scalp get wet from the rain after applying Minoxidil.
16. Can Minoxidil cause unwanted hair growth?
Unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body has been reported.
This may be due to frequent application of Minoxidil to areas of the skin other than the scalp.
To prevent unwanted hair growth, apply Minoxidil only to the scalp.
17. Can I use Minoxidil for baldness or hair loss in babies and children?
No. Minoxidil should not be used to treat baldness or hair loss in babies and children.
18. Is 15% Minoxidil more effective than 5% Minoxidil?
Yes, it is much more effective.
Minoxidil is dose dependent. The higher the dose of Minoxidil, the better the results.
Using 15% Minoxidil will not give you faster results and 5%, but it will cause the regrowth of more hair and thicker hair.
19. Is Minoxidil safe?
Minoxidil has an excellent safety record.
The most common side effects are itching and skin irritation of the treated scalp.
Unwanted hair growth may occur in areas adjacent to treatment sites, which may be of little concern to women if the face is involved.
There were no clinically significant systemic adverse events compared to placebo.
20. Can both men and women use Minoxidil?
Yes. There have been numerous studies showing that Minoxidil causes hair growth in both men and women.
However, women are not recommended to use more than 5% minoxidil.
21. Can Minoxidil Increase and Maintain My Hair Count?
In the studies conducted by UpJohn, 59% of men had some hair regrowth after 12 months and it is just as beneficial in women.
Some men maintained their hair without growing new hair.
Continuous use is necessary to maintain the hair obtained through the use of minoxidil.
What happens if I stop taking Minoxidil completely?
Will I keep the new hair?
Continuous use of Minoxidil is necessary to maintain hair growth.
If you stop using Minoxidil Topical Solution, the normal hair loss process will begin again.
You will likely lose your newly regrown hair within three to four months.
22. How long does it take for Minoxidil to work?
Thick hairs can be seen as early as 4 months, but usually the full benefit of Minoxidil only becomes visible after 12-14 months.
23. How long should I take Minoxidil?
Minoxidil is a treatment for hair loss and not a cure.
You should take Minoxidil for as long as you want to benefit from it.
If you stop taking Minoxidil, you will likely lose all the hair you have gained within a few months of stopping treatment.
24. Does topical Minoxidil interact with other medications?
There are currently no known drug interactions associated with the use of topical Minoxidil solutions.
25. Is Minoxidil as Effective as Finasteride (Propecia)?
Minoxidil and Finasteride are two FDA-approved products for treating hair loss.
They work with different mechanisms. The success rate is similar between 5% minoxidil (twice a day) and 1 mg finasteride pill (once a day).
26. Would using a topical Minoxidil solution in combination with Finasteride be more effective than Minoxidil alone?
YES. We consistently see in dermatological conditions that using a combination of medications with different mechanisms of action works better than either used alone. Finasteride and Minoxidil work on different mechanisms of action.
27. How should I apply the Minoxidil solution?
You should apply the 1 ML Minoxidil solution via a “dropper” directly to the balding scalp with your fingers 2 times a day, once in the morning and once at night.
We do not recommend applying the Minoxidil solution using a “spray method” or a “dab method” as most of the solution does not get to the required area (i.e. the skin and hair follicles), but simply is applied and dries. your hair, where it is not effective.
28. Is it true that I might notice an increase in hair loss after starting Minoxidil?
Yes. Hair grows cyclically. The growth phase (anagen) of scalp hair lasts 4-7 years.
The hair follicle then enters a resting phase (telogen) that lasts about 3 months.
As the new hairs grow in, the old hairs are released, resulting in shedding.
When you start taking Minoxidil, some hair follicles may be shifted from the resting phase to the growing phase, resulting in a temporary increase in hair loss.
This increase in excretion usually begins 2-6 weeks after the start of treatment and decreases within a few weeks.
29. What happens if I place it on a wet scalp?
Topical medicines penetrate the skin much more effectively when the skin is wet.
Therefore, the potency of Minoxidil would theoretically be increased.
Make sure your skin is just wet, not with drops of water.
Otherwise, the water changes the composition of the minoxidil product and makes it more difficult to be absorbed.
30. Instructions for using the applicator (drooper).
The dropper can be useful for a wide range of hairstyles or hair loss as it can be easily applied through the hair and directly to the scalp.
Squeeze the rubber bulb and insert the dropper into the bottle. Release the bulb and allow the dropper to fill to the 1 ml line.
If the level of the solution is higher than the 1 ml line, squeeze the extra amount back into the bottle.
b). Then place the tip near the part of the scalp you want to treat and gently squeeze the bulb to gradually release the solution. To prevent the solution from draining from the scalp, apply a small amount at a time.
c). If you have a large area to cover and 1 ml is not enough, you can alternate the areas where the solution is applied. Please note that the solution will spread once absorbed. It is not necessary to cover the entire area you want to treat each time.
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